The ToolFair is an event created to facilitate the meeting of youth workers, youth leaders, trainers, working at national level with trainers of neighbouring European countries who are able to work in the Italian language.
It is an activity in which youth workers of different countries in Europe will be able to share their practices implemented with youth, to introduce and present new educational approaches and tools, to test them with other colleagues, peers, or experienced in the youth field.
The Toolfair in Italian language target group are people already working in the youth filed but newcomers, actors from other educational sectors (Schools, University, Vet) who are interested to work or cooperate with and within this field will be welcome, as well.
Participants to the TF should
• be devoted to participate to the full process of the activity
• Have visions and plans how to use what they learned in their work and within their organization
• Have the potential to develop their competencies in relation to the objectives of the activity
The objectives of the Toolfair are:
1. to promote exchanges of approaches and educational tools used in the youth field;
2. To increase the quality of educational tools and practices in order to create a positive impact on the youth sector;
4. To give an opportunity to youth organizations to create networks;
5. To find bridges among sectors to work effectively together on topics such as citizenship and migrations, youth participation, intercultural learning, social inclusion, racism, gender issues, self-entrepreneurship and innovation.
6. To participate to the selection of the tools that will participate to the Tool International Fair that will be held in Croatia in November 2018
Being selected for this course, all costs (accommodation, travel, visa, etc.) relevant to participation in the course will be covered by the NAs or SALTO involved in this project - except a participation fee which varies from call to call and country to country.
This training activity is funded by: The Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme
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