On behalf of the Organizing Committee it is a great pleasure to invite you to the 2nd Mediterranean Experts Meeting on “Vitamin D in the prevention of health disparities during adult life” in Thessaloniki. What started as an idea between friends became a friendly exchange of scientific ideas in last year’s first meeting and is evolving to a world class scientific event due to the generous contributions of all the distinguished members of the scientific committee.
Research in the Vitamin D field is booming and has formed the scientific idea of a molecule that resembles a hormone more than a vitamin with actions that extend well beyond its established musculoskeletal role. Moreover, the “Mediterranean Paradox” of vitamin D deficiency prevalent in a large part of the population in countries with ambient sunshine makes the collaboration among scientists of these countries necessary. We need to join forces to understand the magnitude of the problem and the magnitude of the disorders that may relate to this problem. The big attendance and great success of last year’s meeting was a motivation to move a step forward and open the second meeting to scientists from all over the world.
This year we invite in Thessaloniki everybody who wants to contribute in Vitamin D research to share with us ideas and enthusiasm. Thessaloniki is the perfect host city. It is a seductive metropolitan city that over the centuries has been the crossroads of different people and ideas. The meeting is open to abstract submission and research presentations.
Join us in August and let us introduce you to the Mediterranean spirit and the Greek hospitality!
Αναλυτικές πληροφορίες - Δηλώσεις συμμετοχής: medevents.gr