Limelight is about exploring Social Theatre and Body Expression methodologies as powerful tools for Inclusion, Self-Discovery and Empowerment to be used in youth work with young people in the LGTBIQ+ Spectrum.
The aim of the project is to provide Social Theatre and Body Expression methodologies tools and new artistic pedagogy skills to youth workers directly working with young people from minorities at risk of social exclusion, encouraging them to diversify methodologies and strategies in the search for minorities’ empowerment and in the boost of real social inclusion.
The target group of this project are are youth workers directly working with young people from minorities at risk of social exclusion looking a powerful methodology based on non-formal education methods that is inclusive, engaging and universally understandable: Social Theatre and Body Expression.
Structure of the project
1st Phase: 4th - 13th September, 2018 (including travel days) ; Ommen, The Netherlands.
Training Course:
In an 8-days program participants will:
-Experience the power of Social Theatre and Body Expression themselves.
-Receive practical skills in designing, implementing and facilitating theatrical activities and embodied processes as tools for inclusion and empowerment of LGTBIQ+ young people.
-Adapt the methods to their target groups and create inclusive workshops for them, using the acquired Social Theatre and Body Expression methodologies.
-Create their action plans for the Local Action Phase.
2nd Phase: October, November and December 2018 ; each partner country:
Local Action Phase:
During the 3 months action phase participants will:
-Come back to their local organisations and put in action the gained knowledge and tools by implementing the inclusive workshops created during the 1st phase.
-Practice and improve their facilitation skills in Social Theatre and Body Expression methodologies, getting feedback from their target groups.
3rd Phase: 3rd - 8th January (including travel days) ; Liechtenstein:
Capacity Building Meeting:
During the 4-days meeting participants will:
-Present their Local Phase experiences to each other, sharing their target groups’ feedback and the social impact accomplished.
-Deliver the inclusive workshops for their peers and improve them by getting feedback.
-Create the Limelight Manual, a detailed and powerful written resource with Social Theatre and Body Expression methodologies, including the workshops created and tested by the participants.
-Develop future projects working on social inclusion and empowerment of LGTBIQ+ young people, with the focus on using Social Theatre and Body Expression methodology
This training activity is funded by: The Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme
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