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Mary Robinson Climate Justice Award 2018

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τετάρτη, Ιούλιος 25, 2018

For the third year running One Young World is teaming up with Mary Robinson to support young leaders behind innovative and impactful climate justice initiatives that are preserving the earth for future generations.

The impact of climate change is not a distant threat, its effects are being felt right now by millions around the world in the form of rising sea levels, extreme weather systems and devastating droughts. The sorry truth is that those most affected by climate change are those who are least responsible for its causes and least well equipped to withstand its effects. A person living in the US creates 118 times more carbon dioxide emissions than a person living in Nauru but this small Pacific island is one of the nations at risk of disappearing due to rising sea levels.

The situation might sound gloomy but the good news is that there are hundreds of thousands of people and organisations working to tackle climate change and address the global imbalance it is creating. This is the climate justice movement and One Young World is proud to be a part of it.

If you are leading a climate justice project within your community or organisation you can apply for the Mary Robinson Climate Justice Award today for the chance to win:

  • A £5,000 grant to support or launch your project.
  • A fully sponsored delegate place to attend the One Young World Summit 2018 in The Hague, Netherlands. During the Summit you will appear alongside Mary Robinson to present your initiative to the world’s media and 1,300 fellow change makers from 196 countries.
  • Mentorship from Mary Robinson and members of her network

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