Through examples and practical tools 25 educators, youth workers and youth leaders from the Euro-Mediterranean area will develop youth work competences to identify violent extremism root causes and address them through youth work techniques.
Recent events in our Euro-Mediterranean communities have led the Association of Human Rights Educators and its partners to analyse what role youth work could play to prevent violent extremism especially affecting young people.
Despite the complexity of dealing with violent extremism, the project wants to contribute to address some of its root causes from the perspective of youth work instead of focusing solely on securitarian and counter-radicalisation policies.
Through examples and practical tools 25 educators, youth workers and youth leaders from the Euro-Mediterranean area will develop youth work competences to identify violent extremism root causes and address them through youth work techniques.
An enrolment fee of 45€ is payable by EU countries participants and 35€ by participants from non-EU countries.
This training activity is funded by: The Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme
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