University Medical Center Utrecht and University Utrecht are offering 29 PhD positions focusing on regenerative medicine and stem cells, in Utrecht, the Netherlands, within the EC H2020 Marie S. Curie COFUND RESCUE doctorate project. All positions will be located at the Regenerative Medicine Centre Utrecht and signed up to the Regenerative Medicine PhD Program within Utrecht's Graduate School of Life Sciences. However, each position is different and has specific eligibility requirements. You will be trained by different institutes, sectors and disciplines. RESCUE trains in three main research pillars: I. Stem Cell & Organoid Biology, II. Cardiovascular Regeneration, and III. Musculoskeletal Regeneration. You will obtain this specialist training by participating in cutting-edge research projects, attending specialist training schools and other networking activities, and receiving training in generic research and transferable skills.
RESCUE is an inspiring, multidisciplinary and translational education program and provides a global training network including over 50 excellent academic and industrial partner organizations. RESCUE aims to shape a new generation of research experts, empowering them to take leading positions in the field of regenerative medicine world-wide. Regenerative Medicine is a dynamic field that brings together fundamental and clinical scientists from many disciplines with the aim of developing novel therapeutic strategies for a wide variety of diseases.