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M+ / Design Trust Research Fellowship 2019

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Δευτέρα, Αύγουστος 13, 2018

M+ and Design Trust are pleased to announce that the M+ / Design Trust Research Fellowship 2019 has expanded to award two separate fellowships. One fellowship will support a research project focused on Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta region in an Asian or global context, and the second fellowship will support a research project related to Asia more broadly, closely in line with the curatorial position of the Hong Kong–based institution M+.

Applicants should engage in advanced research on historical or contemporary topics relating to either a single discipline (such as architecture, graphic design, industrial design, or urbanism) or cross-disciplinary developments, taking into consideration cultural, social, economic, and political milieus as well as international and cross-cultural networks.

The successful applicants will be attached to M+ for three to six months in 2019, conducting independent research, preferably on a full-time basis. Fellows are encouraged to engage with the museum’s curatorial staff and participate in M+ programmes. The fellowship should result in 1) a paper (5,000 words or more) to be disseminated digitally or in print by M+ and Design Trust, or an equivalent outcome in an alternative format; and 2) a lecture as part of the museum’s public programmes.

The deadline for submitting the application is 13 August 2018.

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