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PhD Scholarships in Physics & Chemistry of Extreme UV Multilayer Optics, University of Twente, Netherlands (2015-2016)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Κυριακή, Μάιος 10, 2015

The interaction of high-intensity ion and photon beams with thin film surfaces is a fascinating process. It involves both ion- and photon-induced physical reactions as well as photo- and plasma chemistry at the surfaces. Essential is also the control of layer growth down to sub-nanometer precision. The experimental approach will be to isolate the individual processes and to understand and control them at the atomic and molecular level, with support of analytical methods and thin film growth set-ups. The scientific programmes at MESA+ and ASML include world-leading research activities in each of these areas, exploiting high flux photon sources and ion beam generators, equipment to study surface photochemistry from the infrared to the extreme UV, atomic-scale layer growth set-ups and surface analysis facilities, state-of-the-art (particle) inspection and diagnostics and a range of numerical tools. The research is done in close collaboration with other industrial and academic parties, including Carl Zeiss SMT, ASML, PANalytical, DEMCON, SolMateS, TNO, and various research institutes.

Applicants should have, or pursue, a Master degree in Experimental or Technical Physics, Chemistry, or Photonics, or an equivalent diploma giving access to doctoral studies. Experience in either surface photochemistry, plasma physics, plasma/ion surface interactions, thin film physics, material science, optics or spectroscopy is an advantage.

Further details:

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Γεωγραφική Περιοχή: 


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