100% Youth City is an Integrated Action Plan on Youth Local Policies with cross-sectorial approach and focused on youth needs analysis through Youth participatory processes. It tackles the challenge of inactive youth that many EU cities face nowadays.
100% Youth City is a practice that combines policy benchmarking, several EU methodologies, high level of participation, open method of coordination, structured dialogue and Co-management.
100% Youth City focused on the development of Evidence based process through an Initial asset mapping procedure oriented to Municipality services and a further 4 level consequent stages that discuss with Young people, Funding to South Sector, Youth Services and Youth Infrastructures, Participation and Youth Representative Models and Strategic Thinking and Strategic Actions.
100% Youth City developed several tools and training framework to empower all stakeholders involved on a 100% Youth City – Quality Label for Youth Friendly City.
The model and methodology will give the possibility to discuss and train on Integrated Action Plan on Youth Local Policies with cross-sectorial approach and focused on youth tights and youth needs analysis through Youth participatory processes.
- To develop an Integrated Action Plan on Youth with cross-sectorial approach and focused on youth needs analysis through Youth participatory processes.
- To promote Non-Formal Education and provide methodologies and tools to develop Local Youth Policies;
- To provide participants with methods on how to transfer knowledge and experience to work with youngsters;
- To create an open space for development and share of best practices, tools and methods;
- - To get to know more about Erasmus+ Programme opportunities for young people, specially in the Framework of Erasmus+ Key Action 2 and Key action 3;
- Understand Structured Dialogue concepts in the framework of the current EU Presidency;
- Understand Youth work and Co-management concepts in the framework of the current CoE Presidency;
- Understand Open Method of Coordination concepts in the framework of Erasmus+;
Specific Objectives
- Support Municipalities and Youth Representative Bodies to develop Cross-sectorial Local Youth Policies reforms;
- Develop Mapping Strategies and Youth Data collecting;
- Develop Youth Funding Frameworks with the participation of Youngsters;
- Develop a framework of Youth Services and Youth infrastructures design oriented to Youth needs;
- Develop a Structured Dialogue and Empowerment plan for all Youth Sector Stakeholders (Youngsters, Youth Workers, Public workers and politicians);
- Create connections between Non-formal learning and formal education using an Empowerment model or process;
- Develop a space for identifying the common needs and challenges of all the stakeholders involved;
- Develop solutions for the identified problems, challenges through projects and network activities;
- Create a collaborative space for sharing approaches, instruments, practices and efficient ideas to implement Structured Dialogue and Empowerment cycles under Erasmus+ Youth projects;
Being selected for this course, all costs (accommodation, travel, visa, etc.) relevant to participation in the course will be covered by the NAs involved in this project - except a participation fee which varies from call to call and country to country.
This training activity is funded by: The Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme
Αναλυτικές πληροφορίες - Δηλώσεις συμμετοχής: salto-youth.net