Dive Deep is a 10 day course combining elements of Social Permaculture as well as internationally renowned teacher Rosemary Morrow’s "Permaculture Teaching Matters" (PTM) training.
Dive Deep will help participants to:
* Develop and deepen training and facilitation skills through non-formal education;
* Learn to pass on knowledge of permaculture theory and practice in ways that create real change in students and activates communities;
* Apply the ecological principles of permaculture to social structures to create solid and efficient organisations;
* Study economic models which serve to develop and enrich local communities (social innovation and enterprise, alternative currencies, time banks, LETS schemes, divestment, right livelihoods);
* Use Systems Theory in identifying the leverage points to support positive transformation of society;
* Find their path through a process called "Design Your Life";
* Design community resilience.
Facilitators: Alfred Decker, Valentina Cifarelli, Giuseppe Sannicandro and Cecilia Furlan.
Training course is financed by the CH Foundation through the interim solution for Erasmus+. The costs of food, accommodation and travel (up to 300 CHF) will be covered by the grant.