At European level and in member countries young people at risk such as: migrants, refugees and minorities in terms of policy developing are described as groups who are” hard to reach” and to provide results in such policies is almost unexpected. Young people at risk face particular problems, especially when they are migrants from the "third world" or when they belong to communities which, due to historical or cultural factors, have their own subculture and traditions. They seem to be less accepted in the societies they live in, and are not given an equal voice. Youth migrants and young people at risk are still often not included or represented in mainstream policies, therefore their concerns and interests are not many times reflected in the decisions taken. Moreover the 2015 Youth Report on the one hand pointed out the need to foster the social inclusion and participation of young migrants, and the quality of youth work in general, but also in particular with these groups of young people, on another hand.
The methodology is based on NFE methods: using manuals such as COMPASS(new edition); T-Kit-Social Inclusion etc. groups work, brainstorming, wall writing, association game, discussion, fish bowl, debate, case studies, drama, role playing, simulation, audiovisual techniques.
This training activity is funded by: The Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme.