Deadline: 30 April, 2015
Open to: Architects , Urban Planners and Engineers
Venue: Tirana, Albania, 23-24 May, 2015
Balkan has a dynamic way of city development, ensuring a great diversity across the Peninsula. Despite Balkans ‘important strategic geographical position, it remains one of the least developed regions in Europe. The aim of this conference is to generate new ideas about the future of the Balkan countries, and to find new ways of creating a network between them. Because the conference is widely open for any citizen of any country wishing to contribute her/his ideas, the conference fosters knowledge-sharing about sustainable ways of development and draws on experience of other parts of the world.
SURB Conference of Architecture: Sustainable Urbanization for Balkans
The main themes of the conference are:
History of the built environment in the Balkans
Informality and everyday life in our cities
Technology development and its impact on the construction industry
Sustainable city design
Current trends and innovations in various fields of Civil engagement
DISCUSSION: How can we address the future growth of our cities, while avoiding informality?
CASE STUDIES: Urban transformations and challenges in some of the Balkan cities •Ecological construction and intelligent control •Left-over’s (ex industrial buildings) and their re-treatment
DISCUSSION: How can Balkans work as a network The conference is interdisciplinary with focus on sustainable development. We invite paper proposals from specialists, scholars and students who have been working or studying background in Urban Planning, Architecture, Environmental studies, Engineering and other related fields
The Participation fee is 110 Euros (includes Accommodation All Meals + 2 Conference Days + Coffee Breaks + Conference Materials +Transportation from Tirana International Airport to the Hotel + Guided Tour of Tirana )
Option without Accommodation: 50 Euros (includes Lunches + 2 Conference Days + Coffee Breaks + Conference Materials + Guided Tour of Tirana )
How to Apply?
The conference is interdisciplinary with focus on sustainable development. Organizers invite paper proposals from specialists, scholars and students who have been working or studying background in Urban Planning, Architecture, Environmental studies, Engineering and other related fields. Selected papers will be invited to be presented at the conferenceto internationally renowned studios or companies. The best projects will be awarded as follows:
Contract with GYB construction company (Istanbul-TURKEY);
1 Year Contract as a researcher at UN-Habitat;
1 Month Internship with GYB Architecture Studio (Rome-ITALY);
1 Month Internship with GYB Architecture Studio ( Athens-GREECE);
6 Months Internship as a researcher at MIMOA atelier.
Abstracts of no more than 500 words and a short biography of the individual/team should be submitted no later than 30 April 2015.
For more information please visit the official website
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