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PhD Scholarships at FRESCO@CNAP, Aalborg University, Denmark (2018)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τρίτη, Νοέμβριος 27, 2018

The programme FRESCO@CNAP, which is co-funded by Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (Horizon 2020), aims to install early stage researchers (PhD fellows) in the Centre-of-Excellence CNAP conducting frontline research on novel tools for identifying and modulating human pain mechanisms.

CNAP is a basic research Centre-of-Excellence established by the Danish National Research Foundation at SMI® - Department of Health Science and Technology, Faculty of Medicine, Aalborg University, Denmark.

Several PhD scholarships are available to explore neuroplasticity and pain, with the aim of developing models for pain provocation, probing and modulation. We are committed to offering our FRESCO@CNAP fellows the best possible research training. In addition to getting first class supervision from your supervisors who will guide you in the process of conducting and completing your PhD project, you will have access to a range of different PhD courses. Some will be of specific scientific relevance to your own project, while others will be of a more general character offering you training in transferable skills such as communication, research and project management, or entrepreneurship

CNAP recruits highly qualified and committed candidates worldwide who demonstrate great research potential. The successful candidate for a FRESCO@CNAP PhD scholarship holds a Master’s degree in biomedical engineering, neuroscience, pharmacology, medicine or equivalent with the prospect of pursuing studies on human pain neuroplasticity utilizing biomedical technologies (e.g. quantitative assessment) and human pain and itch biomarkers. Translational animal studies, human experimental and clinical studies are within the scope of CNAP which aims to improve the understanding of human pain/itch neuroplasticity. Previous research experience on fundamental pain mechanisms and their clinical impact is an advantage, but not a requirement. A high proficiency in oral and written English is required, and good dissemination skills are important.

For more information please visit the following link:
PhD Scholarships at FRESCO@CNAP, Aalborg University, Denmark (2018)

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