Στους παρακάτω συνδέσμους μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε για θέσεις εργασίας σε Ερευνητικούς Φορείς στο εξωτερικό. Οι θέσεις αυτές αποτελούν ένα μέρος των θέσεων που αναρτώνται καθημερινά σε διάφορους ιστότοπους και κατηγοριοποιούνται σε κύριες ομάδες ανάλογα με το αντικείμενο απασχόλησης.
{"title":"22 θέσεις εργασίας σε Ερευνητικούς Φορείς στο εξωτερικό (25/09/2018)","description":"Στους παρακάτω συνδέσμους μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε για θέσεις εργασίας σε Ερευνητικούς Φορείς στο εξωτερικό. Οι θέσεις αυτές αποτελούν ένα μέρος των θέσεων που αναρτώνται καθημερινά σε διάφορους ιστότοπους και κατηγοριοποιούνται σε κύριες ομάδες ανάλογα με το αντικείμενο απασχόλησης.","version":"0.67.0"}
Επιστήμες Μηχανικών (4 θέσεις)
1 |
Scientific Employee |
Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP) |
Germany |
DeadLine : 31/10/2018 |
2 |
Research Associate (m/f) in in the field of Chemical Engineering |
Hochschule Rhein-Waal |
Kleve, Germany |
DeadLine : 21/10/2018 |
3 |
Senior Officer for Industry and Innovation |
ESS - European Spallation Source |
Lund, Sweden |
DeadLine : 21/10/2018 |
4 |
Higher Scientific Officer – Predictive Modelling of Bathing Water Quality (Fixed term contract) |
The Agri-Food & Biosciences Institute (AFBI) |
United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 05/10/2018 |
Επιστήμες Πληροφορικής (3 θέσεις)
1 |
Bioinformatician/Data Scientist (f/m) |
CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine |
Austria |
DeadLine : 31/10/2018 |
2 |
An open position for a remote sensing analyst at Asiaq, Greenland Survey |
Asiaq - Greenland Survey |
Denmark |
DeadLine : 14/10/2018 |
3 |
Data Scientist |
Feelmore Labs |
United States |
DeadLine : 19/10/2018 |
Οικονομικές Επιστήμες (3 θέσεις)
1 |
Operational Coordinator |
Institute of Tropical Medicine |
Antwerp, Belgium |
DeadLine : 16/10/2018 |
2 |
Senior Officer for Industry and Innovation |
ESS - European Spallation Source |
Lund, Sweden |
DeadLine : 21/10/2018 |
3 |
Financial Coordinator |
SIPRI - Stockholm International Peace Research Institute |
Sweden |
DeadLine : 07/10/2018 |
Επιστήμες Υγείας (2 θέσεις)
1 |
Bioinformatician/Data Scientist (f/m) |
CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine |
Austria |
DeadLine : 31/10/2018 |
2 |
Scientific Officer - Biological Safety |
Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung |
Germany |
DeadLine : 12/10/2018 |
Επιστήμες Ζωής (10 θέσεις)
1 |
Science Group Leader |
Plant and Food Research |
Auckland, New Zealand |
2 |
Senior Bio-statistician |
FNUSA - ICRC - St. Anne's University Hospital Brno - International Clinical Research Center |
Brno, Czech Republic |
3 |
Microbiologist (Food and/or Health) (Ref: MB/MP/0918) |
Teagasc |
DeadLine : 15/10/2018 |
4 |
Academic Employee for Metabolomics Method Development Using Mass Spectrometry |
SSI - Statens Serum Institut |
Denmark |
5 |
Scientific Officer - Biological Safety |
Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung |
Germany |
DeadLine : 12/10/2018 |
6 |
Scientific Technician |
Rothamsted Research |
Harpenden, United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 20/10/2018 |
7 |
Group Leader Position in Mechanisms in Multicellularity or Tissue Regulation |
FMI - Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research |
Switzerland |
8 |
MRC Post Doctoral Research Scientist |
London Institute of Medical Sciences, Medical Research Council |
United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 27/10/2018 |
9 |
Data Scientist |
Feelmore Labs |
United States |
DeadLine : 19/10/2018 |
10 |
Lab Manager |
GMI - Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology |
Vienna, Austria |
Περιβαλλοντικές Επιστήμες (3 θέσεις)
1 |
Scientific Employee |
Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP) |
Germany |
DeadLine : 31/10/2018 |
2 |
Scientific Technician |
Rothamsted Research |
Harpenden, United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 20/10/2018 |
3 |
Higher Scientific Officer – Predictive Modelling of Bathing Water Quality (Fixed term contract) |
The Agri-Food & Biosciences Institute (AFBI) |
United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 05/10/2018 |
Γεωπονικές Επιστήμες (3 θέσεις)
1 |
Science Group Leader |
Plant and Food Research |
Auckland, New Zealand |
2 |
Scientific Technician |
Rothamsted Research |
Harpenden, United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 20/10/2018 |
3 |
Lab Manager |
GMI - Gregor Mendel Institute of Molecular Plant Biology |
Vienna, Austria |
Θετικές Επιστήμες (6 θέσεις)
1 |
Contract Technician - Residue Analysis - (Ref: CT/RA/AT/0918) |
Teagasc |
Ashtown, Dublin 15, IRELAND |
DeadLine : 10/10/2018 |
2 |
Senior Bio-statistician |
FNUSA - ICRC - St. Anne's University Hospital Brno - International Clinical Research Center |
Brno, Czech Republic |
3 |
Academic Employee for Metabolomics Method Development Using Mass Spectrometry |
SSI - Statens Serum Institut |
Denmark |
4 |
Scientific Employee |
Leibniz Institute for Plasma Science and Technology (INP) |
Germany |
DeadLine : 31/10/2018 |
5 |
Scientific Officer - Safety in the Food Chain |
Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung |
Germany |
DeadLine : 21/10/2018 |
6 |
Oceanographic Data Scientist |
British Antarctic Survey |
United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 28/10/2018 |
Επιστήμες Αθλητισμού (1 θέση)
1 |
Sport Scientist |
Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen SFISM |
Switzerland |
DeadLine : 20/10/2018 |
Ιατρική Επιστήμη (3 θέσεις)
1 |
Scientific Officer - Biological Safety |
Bundesinstitut für Risikobewertung |
Germany |
DeadLine : 12/10/2018 |
2 |
Group Leader Position in Mechanisms in Multicellularity or Tissue Regulation |
FMI - Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research |
Switzerland |
3 |
MRC Post Doctoral Research Scientist |
London Institute of Medical Sciences, Medical Research Council |
United Kingdom |
DeadLine : 27/10/2018 |
Επιστήμες Διοίκησης (2 θέσεις)
1 |
Operational Coordinator |
Institute of Tropical Medicine |
Antwerp, Belgium |
DeadLine : 16/10/2018 |
2 |
Senior Officer for Industry and Innovation |
ESS - European Spallation Source |
Lund, Sweden |
DeadLine : 21/10/2018 |