Students will be based in the Philips Institute at Virginia Commonwealth University. The Institute has strong NIH funding and links with the NCI designated Massey Cancer Center and the VCU Schools of Dentistry and Medicine. Research topics for entrants in 2019 include
- Virally induced carcinogenesis – mechanisms and treatments
- Pharmacogenomic approaches to treating cancer, designing new therapeutic approaches
- Bioinformatics – identifying novel diagnostics and predicting new treatments
- Targeted therapies against abnormal signaling transduction in cancer
Infection and immunity
- Molecular mechanisms of host pathogen interactions
- Microbial pathogens in systemic disease
Tissue Regeneration
- Therapeutic potential of extracellular vesicles in tissue regeneration.
In addition, we are developing multi-disciplinary approaches in the Institute; for example, we are currently investigating the interaction between viruses, bacteria and human epithelium to learn more about how bacteria can influence carcinogenesis and cancer treatment outcomes.
For more information please visit the following link:
PhD Positions, Virginia Commonwealth University, U.S.A. (2018)