The idea of Life Long Learning has put 'learning' into new perspectives. Perpectives that are in need of new ways of thinking and innovative approaches. Learners should direct their own learning and be responsible for what, when and how they learn.
The TopsyTurvy - Learning Experience aims to develop the potential of participants about their facilitation, mentoring and coaching capacities when working with young people in a non-formal environment. During this course, participants will get the opportunity to explore learning and autonomous thinking in unconventional environments, through plannend and unplanned workshops and methods about learning and guiding learning. According to individual needs, participants will be able to select their own ways of involvement individually and in groups.
The programme is recommended for Youth workers, Trainers, Youth leaders, EVS mentors/tutors
Working language(s): English
JUGEND für Europa (National Agency)
German National Agency of Erasmus+: Youth in Action
Contact for questions:
Ingrid Müller
Phone: +49 228 9506-227
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