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Μηχανολόγοι και Ναυπηγοί Μηχανικοί στην εταιρεία TORPED AB (Αθήνα)

Exceptional mechanical and naval engineers wanted!

Fast growing company Torped AB is recruiting mechanical engineers. With headquarters in Gothenburg and a subsidy in Athens we design and manufacture electric high-performance propulsion systems, our first product on the market is the ESURF®, an electric jetboard (watercraft only 9.9 kg, output 27,5 HP and aggressive accelerations to 64,0 km/h). We already have an order book that will keep us busy for years and for the right candidates we can offer unmatched financial upside; a once in a lifetime opportunity (imagine joining Yamaha in the early days as one of core team members).

At Torped AB we are a small tight knit team of MSc and PhD grads in electrical and mechanical engineering. In only one year we have taken the world records in several categories. Among our specialities are design and manufacturing of the most power-dense: electric motors (10kW/kg cont.), low voltage FOC controllers achieving 20kW continuously (0.7 kg), battery packs at 215 wh/kg and 2000 w/kg – and the list goes on and on...

Join the R&D team to push the boundaries of electric propulsion technology further, realize significant production volumes for existing products and design new ones.

Applicants should:
1) Have recently graduated or hold a PhD title from mechanical or naval engineering.
2) Be excellent users of CAD/CAE software.
3) Have experience with composites or mechanical constructions or fluid dynamics.
4) Be fluent in English.

For more information you can see the attached file.

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