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ZEISS Photography Award “Seeing Beyond – The Unexpected “, 2019

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Παρασκευή, Φεβρουάριος 8, 2019

The ZEISS Photography Award is now in its fourth year – and is calling on ambitious photographers from across the globe to present their work around the theme “Seeing Beyond – The Unexpected” to the international jury of experts. The ZEISS Photography Award is jointly organized by ZEISS and the World Photography Organisation. Last year, 12,000 photographers from 140 countries submitted nearly 90,000 photos.

Photographers are asked for a creative response to the brief “The Unexpected” that is driven by a strong and clear narrative. To be understood in its broadest sense, “The Unexpected” challenges photographers to submit a series of 5-10 images that look past every day and address something unforeseen or surprising – whether this is through the landscape and the physical environment, through human expression, emotion, and interaction, through political or social causes or something more conceptual. The ‘unexpected’ element could be of global or very personal concern and may either showcase the familiar in a new way or shed light on something entirely different. All types of photography are welcomed by judges.

Participants are required to submit a series of five to ten photographs, including a description of the images, online.

- The ZEISS Photography Award is open to all Photographers entering a body of work between 5 to 10 images;
- All entrants must be over 18.


A shortlist with up to 15 photo series will be released on 26 March 2019. The winner will be announced on 9 April 2019. The winning and selected shortlisted works will be exhibited at Somerset House,

The winner will receive:
- ZEISS camera lenses of their choice worth a total of 12,000 euros, and 3,000 euros to cover travels costs for a photo project;
- Flights and accommodation to attend the exhibition’s opening at Somerset House London in April 2019;
- ZEISS will also invite the winner to their headquarters in Germany to see behind the scenes and test out ZEISS lenses for themselves;
- The winner will also have the chance to collaborate directly with ZEISS and the World Photography Organisation.

For more information, please visit the following link:
ZEISS Photography Award “Seeing Beyond – The Unexpected “, 2019


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