The "Art of Dialogue" is a set of methods, theories and approaches for participative and interactive group moderation and process design. It is based on frameworks such as "Art of Hosting", "The Way of Council" or "Theory U". It has been developed in the course of working for the Structured Dialogue, first on the national level in Austria (2015-2017). During the Austrian EU presidency 2018 it was used to promote the Youth Goals as a common vision for youth in Europe and in running the EU Youth Conference in Vienna.
The context of the training is the new EU Youth Strategy for 2019-2027, which is the European policy framework for young people in Europe. After the Structured Dialogue process, it puts the EU Youth Dialogue at the front, aiming to establish participation of young people in decision making process at all levels- from local, regional, national and European. This is a window of opportunity to include new approaches in implementing the EU Youth Dialogue.
This project is financed by the participating NAs of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action Programme. The participation fee varies from country to country. Please contact your NA to learn more about the participation fee for participants from your country.
The training course will take place from March,16 to 20, 2019 at Vienna, Austria.