FuturESC | Seminar
12-15 March 2019 | Bucharest, Romania
Over the last 20+ years, the Romanian Erasmus+ National Agency focused on promoting and supporting learning as the main tool for change at local, national and European level, with a strong added value in all educational sectors. At present, the NA works on identifying and connecting the needs of current beneficiaries to the future format of the European Solidarity Corps Program.
In addition, based on the specific European context – with Romania holding the Presidency of the Council of the European Union until June 2019 – the focus of the NA activity falls on promoting mobility, inclusion and excellence in the fields of education and youth.
The 2,5 working days event will place the participants in the center of the process by gathering their expertise and their inputs about European Solidarity Corps. Thus, through interactive workshops, the ideas of the participants coming from different European countries and with a strong experience in implementing Erasmus+ and/or European Solidarity Corps projects will be analyzed and they will contribute to the elaboration of the event’s resolution on the future Program.
The mix of workshops and facilitated discussions will be moderated by experienced trainers and facilitators.
This project is financed by the participating NAs of the Erasmus+ Youth in Action and European Solidarity Corps Programs. The participation fee varies from country to country.