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PDEng position on Image-based Control at Eindhoven University of Technology

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Κυριακή, Ιανουάριος 27, 2019

The ICT post-master designers program is a two-year salaried program in the field of technological design in Electrical Engineering. The program leads to a Professional Doctorate in Engineering (PDEng) degree.

Project description

An important part of the PDEng programme is the design project which will be performed at Thermo Fisher Scientific. The project is spread over two years and aims to develop your design engineers' abilities. In the project, a specific design objective must be reached within a restricted period of time and with limited means. In accordance with the supervising professor the candidate will be given the opportunity to gather specialized knowledge for the design project already in the first year of your Traineeship. You will be coached by experienced design engineers from industry and/or by TU/e staff with clear and relevant design experience. You will acquire independence and learn to make choices and work well in a project-based manner.

The PDEng project will focus on the development of image based control in Transmission Electron Microscopes (TEM). Advanced real-time image analysis will have to be performed to determine how system parameters can be adjusted. This will lead to a shorter time to result and potentially higher quality images and large 3D reconstructions.

An important component of the project is the proposition of a suitable system architecture that is future proof. It should enable a new generation of TEM acquisition techniques.

Further details:
PDEng position on Image-based Control at Eindhoven University of Technology

Γεωγραφική Περιοχή: 
Erasmus Placements: 


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