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Past & Present Postdoctoral Fellowships, University of London, UK (2019)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Παρασκευή, Ιανουάριος 11, 2019

The Past & Present Society and the Institute of Historical Research will offer up to four two-year postdoctoral Fellowships in History for 2019–21, tenable at the Institute. Preference will be given to applicants who demonstrate a broad interest in processes of social, economic, political and cultural change, as manifested in their particular field of study. The Society wishes to promote work of a kind that might be published in the journal Past & Present and its book series, which is published by the Oxford University Press.

Area of research:
Social History (broadly defined)

Eligibility requirements:
The Fellowships will be awarded to postdoctoral applicants who have recently completed a doctoral degree in history, or who will have submitted their thesis for examination by 1 October in the academic year in which the Fellowship is to be held. It is a strict condition of the Fellowship that the thesis should have been submitted by that date. Applicants may be of any nationality, and their PhD (or equivalent) may have been awarded in any country. Those who have previously held another stipendiary postdoctoral research fellowship of 12 or more months, with a salary or stipend attached to it, or a full-time lectureship, will not be eligible. The Fellowship cannot be held in conjunction with any other substantial maintenance grant, nor can it be used to fund a sabbatical year for the holder of a permanent academic position.

A condition of the award is that Fellows should undertake further historical research and writing. The Fellowships are envisaged as an opportunity for Fellows to develop their doctoral research for publication and to begin work on a postdoctoral project; applicants should clearly indicate their plans in both respects. Fellows will be encouraged to submit their articles or books to the editors of Past & Present for consideration. Fellows will also be asked to curate a 'virtual issue' of the journal. Fellows will not be required to be resident in London, but should participate in the activities of the Institute, by regular attendance at and presentation of papers to appropriate seminars and by giving information and help to fellow scholars working in the same field. Fellows are expected to develop their own ideas for collaborative activities while at the Institute and some limited funds will be available to help support these activities.

At the discretion of the Director of the Institute, Fellows may engage in teaching or other paid work for up to six hours a week (note however that some categories of non-national may need to obtain a work permit in order to undertake this).

For more information, please visit the following link:
Past & Present Postdoctoral Fellowships, University of London, UK (2019)

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