6th International Euro-Mediterranean Conference of Life Sciences, Pharma and BioMedicine (BioNat-6), and workshops which will take place in Convention Centre of Cairo University, Cairo - Egypt from 31 March to 2 April 2019. The conference is organized with the theme “Novelties and Emerging Targets”. BioNat-6 will strive to offer plenty of networking opportunities, providing you with the opportunity to meet and interact with the leading scientists and researchers, friends and colleagues as well as sponsors and exhibitors.
• Abstracts are published in the conference proceedings book and on the conference website.
• Chance to network with experts in the fields of life sciences, pharma and biomedicine and its allied areas.
• Young researcher and best poster awards are also given.
• Globalize your research.
Conference Highlights:
§ Workshops:
- Art of Scientific Writing
- Nanoscience and Nanotechnology
§ Five Keynote Speakers
§ Ten Plenary Speakers
§ Twenty oral presentations
§ More than 100 posters
Link Event: