The 4th AIGE/IIETA International Conference and 13th AIGE 2019 Conference on "Energy Conversion, Management, Recovery, Saving, Storage and Renewable Systems" is organized under the joint auspices of the
AIGE and IIETA with the aim of providing technical information to their members and to the scientific and industrial community at large.
The joint Conferences shall foster a binding platform for researchers from universities, research institutions and industries as well as students to network, learn more and share their knowledge. They will pursue the goal of providing a forum for the exposure and the exchange of technical/scientific information.
The joint Conferences will give the opportunity to discuss the state of the art and to present experimental, analytical and numerical results in Energy Conversion Systems, in Energy Management, in Energy Recovery Systems, in Energy Saving Techniques, Energy Storage Systems and Renewable Systems, with a particular attention to the engineering, environmental and economic aspects.