The research group Spatial Science in Ecology and Environment (SSEE) is seeking highly motivated PhD students to join their international interdisciplinary research team. The principal focus of the research group (that should also be the area of the applicants’ interest and expertise) is environmental Earth observation and/or species distribution modelling. We offer 1 – 4 fully funded positions covering up to 4 years of study. The PhD students will be rewarded with 18,000-25,000 CZK/month net, which fully covers a student life in Prague (for comparison, the median gross salary in Czechia is 27,700 CZK per month).
1. Indices based on Earth observation data as indicators of avian/plant diversity and distribution at multiple scales
Requirements: The candidate should have a good background in animal or plant ecology, remote sensing, GIS and statistics, be experienced in R scripting and be fluent in English.
2. Sentinel and UAS-borne data for improving NATURA 2000 habitat mapping
Requirements: The candidate should have a strong background in remote sensing, be experienced in R and Python scripting, have a background in ecology or nature conservation and be fluent in English.
3. Development of methods for monitoring of cryosphere using microwave and optical satellite systems
Requirements: The candidate should have a strong background in remote sensing, be experienced in Python scripting and fluent in English.
4. Analysis of mass wasting and erosion dynamics in semi-arid areas from historical and modern satellite data
Requirements: The candidate should have a strong background in remote sensing, be experienced in Python scripting and fluent in English.
5. Remote Sensing for monitoring of measures supporting water retention
Requirements: The candidate should have a strong background in remote sensing, be experienced in Python scripting and fluent in English.
For more information, please visit the following link:
PhD Positions, Czech University of Life Sciences Prague, Czech Republic (2019)