Our naturally beautiful campus in the Jyväskylä city centre is home to a dynamic multidisciplinary research university – a modern, open and collaborative community of 2,500 experts and 15,000 students seeking answers to the pivotal questions of today and tomorrow. It was here in 1863, when Finnish-language teacher education began. Since then, the University of Jyväskylä has been serving the future. The dialogue between research, education and society is our driving force. We cherish this balance of research and education, and work to promote open thinking. We kindle the skills, knowledge and passion to live wisely for the best of humanity.
We offer
Positions for 3 Early Stage Researchers (ESR)/ Doctoral Students fixed-term positions beginning September 1st 2019 until August 31st 2023 in a project aiming to study neurodevelopmental disorders (NDD), often emerging early in development and resulting in long-term disability and compromising the quality of life of millions of Europeans.
The multidisciplinary Neo-PRISM-C project (Neurodevelopmental Optimal-Predictors, Risk factors, and Intervention from a Systems approach to Maladjustment in Children) is funded by the Horizon 2020 Marie Skłodowska-Curie action of the European Union.
1. Familial risk mechanisms in learning difficulties (ESR2)
2. Characterising longitudinal neurocognitive profiles of children with reading difficulties, known risk alleles (genetic profiles) and infant/child brain response patterns associated with early adulthood reading difficulty related brain data profile (measured with MEG and MRI) (ESR8)
3. Development of reading fluency: The relevance of sublexical processing in reading development (ESR14)
The ESR is expected to pursue a PhD degree within the program. Therefore, prerequisite for the candidate is a Master’s degree in a relevant academic area such as Psychology, Educational sciences, Cognitive Neuroscience, or similar disciplines. Experience with or interest in experimental work in EEG/MEG and/or cognitive/ neuropsychology, while not required, is valued. The training will focus on developmental neurocognitive learning disorders and versatile research methodology, including brain research, with an emphasis on international collaboration. The working language is English. The applicant’s merits are assessed on the basis of the quality of Master’s level studies and thesis, previous experience with experimental research (including possible conference and journal publications), motivation and research interests.
The salary for the first three years is based on the Marie Curie Program regulations and consists of living, mobility and possible family allowance allowance (the total amount for the living and mobility allowance: approx.3600 € per month, and for the family allowance: approx. 416 € per month, all amounts are subject to deductions and taxes). The salary for the fourth year is based on the regulations of the University of Jyväskylä.
Successful applicants should have a degree that allows a direct entry into doctoral studies and less than 4 years of experience in research; and not have lived more than 12 months during the last 3 years in the country where doctoral studies are started; this is due to emphasis on mobility in the ITN projects. Women and men from all countries are encouraged to apply.
For more information please visit the following link:
3 PhD Positions, University of Jyväskylä, Finland (2019)