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PhD Positions, Dresden University of Technology, Germany (2019)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Πέμπτη, Μάιος 9, 2019

The Dresden International Graduate School for Biomedicine and Bioengineering (DIGS-BB) at the Technische Universität Dresden (TUD) offers PhD positions for up to four years in world-class interdisciplinary research projects ranging from Biomedicine and Bioengineering to Cell, Molecular & Developmental Biology, Biophysics, Biochemistry, Regenerative & Degenerative Biology, and Computational Biology.

The DIGS-BB is looking for bold, highly committed, ambitious and creative students who strive to work on challenging projects at the frontiers of science. If you are enthusiastic and passionate about science, and have an excellent university degree (MSc or equivalent, or first-class BSc (Hons)) in life sciences, natural sciences, computer science, medicine, physics or engineering, the DIGS-BB is looking forward to receiving your application.

We provide innovative training, guidance and mentoring in an international “open door” environment with exciting and challenging world-class projects, state-of-the-art institutes and a unique infrastructure (find more information in our employer page).

We call for applications twice a year in a highly competitive selection process. Matching their scientific interests, successful candidates will be offered a position in one of our 70 research groups.

Online application closes on 9 May 2019. Of all applicants, 40–50 candidates will be asked to participate in video interviews at the end of June and 20–30 of those will be invited to our interview week from 3–6 September 2019 (board and lodging will be provided, travel costs will be reimbursed).

For more information please visit the following link:
PhD Positions, Dresden University of Technology, Germany (2019)

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