The name PIER - “Partnership for Innovation, Education and Research” - stands for the strong partnership between Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DESY) and Universität Hamburg (UHH). The two partners combine their expertise within the structure of PIER.
The PIER Helmholtz Graduate School ensures that doctoral candidates receive an internationally recognized and optimally supervised education in their respective fields.
We are looking forward to receiving applications of talented doctoral candidates, who are holding a Master degree or who are nearing graduation in the following research fields:
- Particle and Astroparticle Physics
- Nanosciences
- Photon Science
- Infection and Structural Biology
- Accelerators
- Theoretical Physics
Interdisciplinary PhD projects are welcome.
PhD positions are paid with minimum 50% of TVL 13 (at least 1.600 Euro). No tution fees. Language of instruction is English.
Further details: