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Green Talents Competition – Focused on Sustainable Development, 2015

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τρίτη, Ιούνιος 2, 2015

The 21st century confronts humanity with big challenges. These include climate change, secure energy supply and health care, and the question of how to ensure a fair distribution of resources. Germany as a frontrunner in sustainable development is assuming the task and the obligation to create a future worth living both for us and for future generations. The country strongly believes in international cooperation to achieve this goal. Following this approach, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) invites young researchers from all over the world every year to take part in the “Green Talents – International Forum for High Potentials in Sustainable Development“. The winners are awarded for their creative and intelligent solutions to the pressing questions of our time. The BMBF seeks to intensify the global exchange between young researchers in the field of environmental and sustainability research with this programme. The programme strives to intensify international R&D cooperation in sustainable development, especially with threshold and developing countries.

On the basis of their scientific excellence and innovative research potentials a high-ranking jury of German experts from academia and industry selects the 25 “Green Talents” from numerous applicants. They will be invited to participate in a two-week science forum in Germany. Here they visit hot spots of sustainability research and gain first hand information about the country’s renowned research landscape. These visits also lay the foundation for the establishment of international research cooperation in the near future. Moreover, the Green Talents are given the unique opportunity to conduct a research stay of up to three months at an institution of their choice the year following the forum. This enables the participants to learn about sustainability research in Germany while building up or strengthening their professional networks. Both the forum and the research stay are fully-financed by the BMBF (except costs for health insurance and visa fees).

Further details:


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