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2-3/10/2015- ‘The World Order in the 19th Century’ Conference (Budapest, Hungary)

Deadline: 10 June 2015
Open to: students, historians and researchers with interest in international relations during the 19th century
Venue: 2-3 October 2015, Budapest, Hungary

The Central European University has opened a call for papers for its conference ‘The World Order in the 19th Century: Implications for the Present’. While there is a noticeable rise of historical sociology within international relations research, this development still seems to be in its infancy and the implications of historical sociology for international relations theory have not been fully realized. In this context the 19th century seems especially relevant since it is considered by some scholars as one of the most important yet often neglected turning points in the nature of international relations. Even some of the foundational concepts of IR, such as hegemony, can come under a lot of fire in the 19th century context. Furthermore, the empirical references of historical IR research do not always correspond with the latest historical research. On the other hand, historians have not been very open to considering how IR theories might inform their research and what implications their research might have on IR theory. The aim of this conference is to challenge IR scholars to probe the extent to which current IR theories capture the dynamics of international relations in the 19th century and to encourage historians to reflect on their research by reference to IR debates. Moreover, considering that some scholars regard the 19th century as the most relevant reference for the emergent 21st century world order, the conference will address the implications of 19th century for contemporary international relations.

Proposals on the following topics are welcomed:

Theories of the international in 19th century context;
Social change and international relations (emergence of new socio-economic relations and its effects on the international as well as the role of the international in facilitating social change via state-driven socioeconomic transformations);
Units of the international system: nation states vs. empires (the challenge of the imperial turn);
Capitalism and geopolitics (imperialism and/or imperial rule);
Eurocentrism of international relations (history and discipline);
19th century and contemporary colonialism;
Eastern and Southeastern Europe in 19th century world order;

The continuing relevance of the 19th century: contemporary international relations in the mirror of 19th century, global and Eastern and Southeastern European perspectives.

The conference is opened to students, historians and researchers who are interested in international relations during the 19th century.

Travel and accommodation costs will be covered in some cases. Please stress in your application whether you would like your travel and accommodation costs covered.

How to apply?
The deadline for application is 10 June 2015. Proposals should include a short abstract (200 words) and a brief biographical note (including institutional affiliation). They should be sent to Mladen Medved –

For more information please follow the official website.

Πηγή: http:

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