Shortcuts is a programme to promote young women researchers financed by the Bielefeld Graduate School in History and Sociology (BGHS), the Faculty of Sociology and the Department of History of the Faculty of History, Philosophy and Theology. The programme was initiated in the 2010 Summer Term and aims to actively support young women in their transition from masters to doctoral level. There are two components to Shortcuts: Workshops that aid preparations for doctoral study and scholarships for young women researchers. The Shortcuts programme consists of workshops on fundamental questions about doctoral study and academic careers. Workshops focus on both clarifying dissertation topics and writing a proposal as well as on possible fellowships and other financial support during the doctoral phase. Experienced trainers, teachers, and BGHS staff help participants to find a topic and clarify their motivation and support them in writing a proposal and applying for doctoral positions, fellowships and admission to a doctoral programme. A further element of the programme is regular exchange with other (future) doctoral researchers. Participants also have the opportunity to ask their own questions related to the topic of doctoral studies. The scholarship runs from 1 October 2015 to 31 January 2016.
The scholarships are available to women who have received a M.A degree and wish to pursue doctoral studies in history or sociology. Applicants must have a good command of German, as the Programme’s language is German. Applicants must hold a Master’s or Master’s of Education or Diploma Study degree (Diplomstudiengang) in sociology, political science, history, gender studies, social anthropology or other social science or humanities discipline. Applications from candidates who have only recently received their Master’s degree are welcomed to apply. A good knowledge of the German language is required. It is expected the scholars to be present on a regular basis.
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