Training Course: "HOP crash course"
18-20 March 2020 | Finland
This blended course, with online elements and a residential meeting, will bring authors/facilitators (to be) involved in online learning as well as the NAs/SALTOs staff interested in the topic. After this course your online learning will gain WINGS!
The aim
The aim of the course is twofold: to rise the understanding of what is QUALITY in online learning activities within non-formal education in youth field as well as to DISCOVER the potential of HOP online learning platform (
The 3 working days residential training will be introduced with short online session at HOP platform, that will make participants enriched with UNDERSTANDING quality in online learning, specifically in our youth work field and meeting the principles of non-formal education. The course will make participants more BRAVE to get engaged in online learning in different possible forms (blended learning, online preparations for residential trainings, fully online courses, etc.). The course will also make participants well ACQUAINTED with different possibilities to deliver online learning at HOP platform in an engaging, interactive and learner-centred way.
Further details: Training Course: "HOP crash course" in Finland