As part of its “Rejuvenating politics” initiative the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe will invite one young person per member State to:
come to Strasbourg (France) to take an active part, as a youth delegate, in its 38th (17-19 March) and 39th (27-29 October) sessions
develop their own grass-roots project back home (under the Congress’ aegis)
The Congress is a pan-European political assembly, its 648 members hold elective office (they may be regional or municipal councillors, mayors or presidents of regional authorities) and represent over 200,000 authorities in 47 European States. Its role is to promote local and regional democracy, improve local and regional governance and strengthen authorities’ self-government. It meets in session twice a year.
Like other political assemblies, such as national parliaments or local/regional councils, the sessions are formal gatherings where the Congress members examine reports, hold thematic debates and adopt recommendations.
Further details:
Council of Europe Youth Delegate Program in Strasbourg