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Postdoctoral Research Fellow And Research Assistant at Tampere University

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Πέμπτη, Ιανουάριος 23, 2020

The Faculty of Education and Culture is committed to exploring the state of education in society and reshaping education. Our strengths lie in our multidisciplinary approach to investigating educational phenomena in different societal and cultural contexts. As we see education as a tool for social change, we aim to promote the development and study of educational principles and practices in society.

The Faculty of Education and Culture is seeking a Postdoctoral Research Fellow for a period of 22 months and a Research Assistant for a period of 19 months.

Job description

The Postdoctoral Research Fellow and the Research Assistant will work within the project ‘Collective Professional Agency in Finnish Housing First Work’. A detailed description of the project can be found in the preceding link. The project is conducted by the research group RESET (Research Engagement for Sustainable and Equitable Transformations) which develops and brings into use theoretical tools and interventionist methodologies to foster collective analyses of major societal challenges in close collaboration with stakeholders and practitioners.

The project is funded by the Finnish Work Environment Fund in collaboration with the City of Tampere and Y-Foundation. The project aims at developing a rigorous and systematic approach to grasp the process of collective agency and to generate viable pedagogical instruments to support practitioners in the field of homelessness in Finland.

Further detyails:
Postdoctoral Research Fellow And Research Assistant at Tampere University

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