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Global Youth Video Competition on Climate Change, 2015

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Δευτέρα, Αύγουστος 17, 2015

Tvebiomovies is a film competition now in its sixth year, and open to people around the world with access to a camera. Think about a project or campaign you are involved in to combat climate change, an action which convinced your parents, school or college to take climate action, a lobbying of your elected members of parliament or your city leaders. Whatever is making a difference, turn it into a snappy concise video and join the competition. Some key questions to answer are:

- Why did you choose to engage in this climate action?
- What were some of the key things that took place?
- What were some of the successes?
- Where did these successes occur (locally, nationally or internationally)?
- How can youth from similar countries replicate the activities that have been implemented?

- Round trip to COP21/CMP11 in Paris, France from 30 November to 11 December 2015 (including accommodation and other expenses);
- Position as a youth reporter for COP21/CMP11, responsible for assisting UNFCCC Newsroom team with videos, articles and social media posts.

There will be two winners:
- One winner will be chosen based on the most number of views on tve‘s You Tube channel during the voting period;
- The other winner will be selected by members of the UNFCCC Secretariat, UNDP-SGP and others.

Further details:


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