Training Course: "The Star of Europe"
11-15 May 2020 | Thessaloniki, Greece
The Star of Europe training will take you through a youth exchange project from its very beginning to the very end, highlighting young people's involvement. You will also learn how to use the digital Star of Europe material in building the exchange.
The aim of “The Star of Europe” is to get a comprehensive understanding of what a youth exchange project contains - from the idea, needs assessment of a project to the follow up activities. More specifically, the main objectives are:
1) To become familiar with the whole logic of life cycle of a youth exchange project
2) To increase the understanding of the value of full involvement of young people in youth exchanges
3) To become aware of learning opportunities of the young people within youth exchanges
4) To pay extra attention to the equal partnership and encourage partners to plan, prepare, implement and report the project together
5) To get acquainted with a Star of Europe digital platform as a tool for support of youth exchanges