TSRG/ AUTh is looking to fill 1 to 2 full time and paid work positions of 2-months trial period duration in
“research assistance and management field”, mainly in the framework of the CIPTEC project (“Collective
Innovation for Public Transport in European Cities”) under the Horizon 2020 Programme. After the successful conclusion of this period, there is the prospect of extending the cooperation in a permanent
basis until the end of the 3-years project period.
CIPTEC is a collaborative project in which 12 partners from 7 different EU countries are being involved. CIPTEC aims to explore, analyse
and fuel the re-engineering of urban public transport “environment” towards a more user-centred and marketing approach. It focuses on
the cultural and user-centred re-orientation in the Public Transport (PT), the integrated approach based
on marketing, consumer behaviour, innovation and evaluation and the co-exploitation of ideas within a
wider than usual stakeholder platform.
Given that TSRG/ AUTh is the coordinator of the CIPTEC project, you will be responsible for day-to-day tasks of both managerial and technical type, for instance, among others: coordinating the technical
actions of the CIPTEC partners; conducting literature and field research; writing technical and progress
reports; organising events, such as workshops, meetings, seminars; representing TSRG/ AUTh at meetings abroad.
You will be part of the “TSRG/ AUTh’s working team” and will work under the direct supervision of the
“Director of TSRG/ AUTh” (CIPTEC Coordinator).
Deadline Application: 28-06-2015
For further details see the attached file.