The goal of the ZNZ International PhD Program in Neuroscience is to train excellent scholars with a broad knowledge in modern neuroscience disciplines. The program is specifically designed for students interested in pursuing a professional career in neuroscience. Emphasis will be placed on the development and enhancement of essential skills required to prepare students for their future roles as neuroscientists. This will include the planning of research projects, from conceptualization to experimental design, and to final evaluation. A key element of the program will be the development of skills of communication, interaction with other scientists, and scientific writing. Since doctoral students enrolled in the Program will originate from different biomedical branches, they will be encouraged to actively promote and foster interaction between themselves to facilitate the exchange of research ideas and to encourage interdisciplinary research. Training will be provided over the duration of the PhD thesis (3-4 years) to prepare students for neuroscience careers at an advanced level. The training will consist of two major parts: firstly, coursework will provide students with a theoretical background of the existing body of research knowledge in selected neuroscience fields and with research skills to address specific questions. The core elements of this part will be represented by the current skill base of the research groups participating in the Program. Secondly, a closely supervised thesis will provide the experience of conducting a substantial piece of original research.
All PhD students from ZNZ groups with a thesis topic in neuroscience will participate in the Program. The duration of the Program will be determined by the successful completion of the PhD thesis (3-4 years). During this period the student will attend the Introductory Course during the first year (two hours per week) and, for the subsequent years, choose from a palette of advanced lectures and practical courses (the ZNZ course list is assembled from the existing teaching program of the University of Zurich and the ETH Zurich as well as new courses). The second, third and possible fourth year of the Program will operate on a credit point system. Credit points are awarded for each course and the student is expected to obtain a minimum of 12 ECTS points by the end of the thesis period.
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