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7-13/6/2015- International Week on Sustainable Development (Germany)

- You stand up for sustainable development in your area of expertise?
- You teach contents of e. g. renewable energy, sustainable marketing, CSR, eco-tourism or similar?
- You want to share and teach your ideas with professors and students at NGU in Southwest Germany?
If so we invite you to join us in the

International Week on Sustainable Development

International lecturers give 4 classes (90 min each = total of 8 teaching hours) within the courses of NGU peers of the same area of expertise. The focus of these lectures will be on sustainable developmentin the given area with special attention to the difference between the home countries of the visiting lecturers and Germany.

Evening presentations open to all university members will give the opportunity for scientific exchange among the invited lecturers as well as staff and students from NGU.

Around the teaching activities and in the evenings a framework program (e. g. guided city walks with focus on e-mobility and green infrastructure, visit of the UNESCO biosphere reserve Swabian Alb) will be offered for the lecturers.

If you are interested in joining the International Week on Sustainable Development please send your application to Dr. Holger Fischer ( , +49 7022 201180).Your application should include:
- CV with special emphasis on your career as lecturer and researcher
- Proposal on how you want to connect your area of expertise with sustainable development in which courses at NGU

Please confirm your interest by December 15, 2014

Please check with your International Office whether your institution has signed an inter-institutional ERASMUS agreement with NGU. If that is the case, you can receive ERASMUS funding for transport and accommodation. Please contact your local international office for further information. If there is no such agreement and your university is interested we might sign an agreement.
If you work at an institution with no access to the ERASMUS program please check again whether your local Interna-tional office can provide you with funds. In addition, NGU will be able to support up to two lecturers. If you want to apply for these funds, please contact Dr. Fischer by November 15, 2014.

More information on NGU:

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