Training Course: "Impact+: Youth Field"
26-29 October 2020 | Slovenia
The training course is based on the Impact+ Exercise that was developed as part of a Transnational Cooperation Activity project led by the United Kingdom Erasmus+ National agency and CMEPIUS the Slovenian Erasmus+ Education and Training National Agency.
The main aim of the training course is to equip participants with knowledge and skills for successful planning and assessing impact of the projects in the youth field.
Objectives of the activities are:
Participants will learn about the basic concepts related to project management and impact assessment.
Participants will get to know the Impact+ tool and its adaptation for use in the youth field.
Participants will learn to plan and assess projects' results and impact.
Participants will explore and define projects' indicators and data sources.
Participants will learn to define relevant audiences and further develop dissemination plan of the project impact.