In October 2015, the DFG International Research Training Group “Surface processes, Tectonics and Georecources in the Andean Foreland Basin of Argentina” (StRATEGY) will be established at the University of Potsdam in cooperation with the GFZ German Research Centre for Geoscience. The consortium will partner with a similar Argentine graduate program at the universities of Buenos Aires, Salta, Jujuy, and Tucumán, funded by the Argentine science foundation CONICET.
StRATEGy will conduct an interdisciplinary study of the source-to-sink system of the NW Argentine Andes and the foreland regions. Research topics will focus on the complex relationships between tectonics, climate, erosion, sediment deposition, and the environmental conditions prone to the generation, migration, and accumulation of hydrocarbon resources and metallogenesis. The foreland and the transition to the Andean orogen interior is characterized by ongoing, yet highly diachronous and spatially disparate tectonism, in addition to pronounced contrasts in relief, rainfall, and erosion. These characteristics make this region an outstanding natural laboratory to study surface processes and the tectonic and climatic forcing factors that impact sediment production and mass-transfer on multiple spatiotemporal scales.
StRATEGy seeks excellent candidates for the following projects that will be jointly advised by mentors from Potsdam University, GFZ Potsdam and Argentine partners of the consortium:
12 (PhD positions, 75%, TV-L E13)
Applicants are kindly asked to refer to one of the following topics:
WP(1) Climate-tectonic impacts on surface processes
163-G 1.1 Characterization of atmospheric processes related to hydro-meteorological extreme events over the south-central Andes (PI: T. Schmidt, GFZ; B. Bookhagen, University of Potsdam)
163-G 1.2 Rock slides vs. rock glaciers: feeding the central Andean sediment cascade (PI: O. Korup, Uni-versity of Potsdam)
163-G 1.3 Reconstructing past climatic changes from lacustrine deposits (PI: A. Brauer, GFZ and Univer-sity of Potsdam)
163-G 1.4 Climatic, biotic and geomorphic drivers of the isotopic composition of terrestrial organic matter transported through fluvial systems draining the NW Argentinian Andes (PI: D. Sachse, GFZ and University of Potsdam)
WP(2) Interplay between tectonics & inherited crustal inhomogeneities
163-G 2.1 Spatiotemporal characteristics of paleo-, historic and recent earthquakes in the broken fore land of the south-central Andes (PI: F. Krüger; A. Landgraf, University of Potsdam)
163-G 2.3 The influence of inherited extensional structures on the growth of basement-cored ranges and their foreland basins (PI: E. Sobel, University of Potsdam)
WP(3) Basin modeling and georesource formation
163-G 3.1 Tectono-stratigraphic evolution of the intermontane Salta basin and Chaco-Paraná foreland basin: characterization and evolution of petroleum potential (PI: R. Ondrak, GFZ; B. Horsfield, GFZ and TU Berlin)
163-G 3.2 Controls of Cenozoic foreland-deformation patterns (PI: S. Sobolev, GFZ and University of Potsdam; A. Babeyko, GFZ)
163-G 3.3 3D lithosphere-scale density and thermal structure of the Central Andean foreland basins (PI: M. Scheck-Wenderoth, GFZ and RWTH Aachen; J. Sippel, GFZ)
163-G 3.4 Testing long-term controls of sedimentary basin architecture in the broken foreland (PI: M. Mutti, University of Potsdam)
WP(4) Metallogenesis of metal deposits in felsic magmas at different crustal levels
163-G 4.1 Provenance and transport of Sn (Nb-Ta) and REE from the pre-Andean crustal basement: primary mineralization and secondary enrichment processes (PI: U. Altenberger, University of Potsdam; R. Trumbull, GFZ)
163-G 4.2 Magmatic and hydrothermal processes in the Andean Cu-Au and Sn-Ag ore belts of NW Argentina (PI: R. Trumbull; V. Lüders, GFZ)
Further details: