Στους παρακάτω συνδέσμους μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε για θέσεις εργασίας σε Μη Κερδοσκοπικούς Φορείς στο Εξωτερικό. Οι θέσεις αυτές αποτελούν ένα μέρος των θέσεων που αναρτώνται καθημερινά σε διάφορους ιστότοπους και κατηγοριοποιούνται σε κύριες ομάδες ανάλογα με το αντικείμενο απασχόλησης.
{"title":"25 θέσεις εργασίας σε Μη Κερδοσκοπικούς Φορείς στο Εξωτερικό (05/10/2020)","description":"Στους παρακάτω συνδέσμους μπορείτε να ενημερωθείτε για θέσεις εργασίας σε Μη Κερδοσκοπικούς Φορείς στο Εξωτερικό. Οι θέσεις αυτές αποτελούν ένα μέρος των θέσεων που αναρτώνται καθημερινά σε διάφορους ιστότοπους και κατηγοριοποιούνται σε κύριες ομάδες ανάλογα με το αντικείμενο απασχόλησης.","version":"0.77.19"}
Επιστήμες Μηχανικών (1 θέση)
1 |
Data Architect Manager |
FLO - Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International |
Bonn, Germany |
Deadline : 28.10.2020 |
Επιστήμες Πληροφορικής (3 θέσεις)
1 |
Multimedia Officer |
Belgium |
Deadline : 19.10.2020 |
2 |
Data Architect Manager |
FLO - Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International |
Bonn, Germany |
Deadline : 28.10.2020 |
3 |
Scientific Associate - Bioinformatics analysis of human liver scRNAseq data |
University Health Network |
Toronto, Canada |
Οικονομικές Επιστήμες (1 θέση)
1 |
Financial & Business Services Director |
Plastics Europe |
Deadline : 15.10.2020 |
Επιστήμες Επικοινωνίας (6 θέσεις)
1 |
Communications and Operations Assistant |
The European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities |
Belgium |
Deadline : 16.10.2020 |
2 |
Senior Advisor Media Relations |
FLO - Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International |
Bonn, Germany |
3 |
Communications Officer |
European Patients Forum |
Brussels |
Deadline : 16.10.2020 |
4 |
Communications Officer |
GIGAEurope |
Brussels |
Deadline : 15.10.2020 |
5 |
Communications Officer |
European Biogas Association |
Brussels |
Deadline : 15.10.2020 |
6 |
Communication and Event Manager |
CO2 Value Europe AISBL |
Brussels |
Deadline : 06.11.2020 |
Επιστήμες Υγείας (1 θέση)
1 |
Policy Officer for Health and Social Services |
Brussels |
Deadline : 31.10.2020 |
Πολιτικές Επιστήμες (2 θέσεις)
1 |
Policy Assistant |
The European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities |
Brussels |
Deadline : 16.10.2020 |
2 |
Public Affairs Manager |
FoodDrinkEurope |
Brussels |
Deadline : 22.10.2020 |
Θετικές Επιστήμες (1 θέση)
1 |
Scientific Associate - Bioinformatics analysis of human liver scRNAseq data |
University Health Network |
Toronto, Canada |
Επιστήμες Διοίκησης (23 θέσεις)
1 |
Financial & Business Services Director |
Plastics Europe |
Deadline : 15.10.2020 |
2 |
Program Associate - Vilnius, Lithuania |
, |
Deadline : 03.11.2020 |
3 |
Multimedia Officer |
Belgium |
Deadline : 19.10.2020 |
4 |
Communications and Operations Assistant |
The European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities |
Belgium |
Deadline : 16.10.2020 |
5 |
Senior Advisor Media Relations |
FLO - Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International |
Bonn, Germany |
6 |
Senior Project Manager Pricing |
FLO - Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International |
Bonn, Germany |
Deadline : 28.10.2020 |
7 |
Portfolio Demand Manager |
FLO - Fairtrade Labelling Organizations International |
Bonn, Germany |
Deadline : 28.10.2020 |
8 |
Communications Officer |
European Patients Forum |
Brussels |
Deadline : 16.10.2020 |
9 |
Communications Officer |
GIGAEurope |
Brussels |
Deadline : 15.10.2020 |
10 |
Public Policy Officer |
GIGAEurope |
Brussels |
Deadline : 15.10.2020 |
11 |
Policy Officer for Health and Social Services |
Brussels |
Deadline : 31.10.2020 |
12 |
Communications Officer |
European Biogas Association |
Brussels |
Deadline : 15.10.2020 |
13 |
EU Policy Advisor |
AFEP (French Association of Large Companies) |
Brussels |
Deadline : 15.10.2020 |
14 |
Research and Innovation Assistant |
The European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities |
Brussels |
Deadline : 15.10.2020 |
15 |
Policy Assistant |
The European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities |
Brussels |
Deadline : 16.10.2020 |
16 |
Administrator |
Brussels |
Deadline : 16.10.2020 |
17 |
Public Affairs Manager |
FoodDrinkEurope |
Brussels |
Deadline : 22.10.2020 |
18 |
Project Officer |
Brussels |
Deadline : 17.10.2020 |
19 |
Project Officer |
Brussels |
Deadline : 18.10.2020 |
20 |
Communication and Event Manager |
CO2 Value Europe AISBL |
Brussels |
Deadline : 06.11.2020 |
21 |
Project Manager in part-time |
Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung Brussels Office |
Brussels |
Deadline : 20.10.2020 |
22 |
Grant Manager |
FoEE - Friends of the Earth Europe |
Brussels, Belgium |
Deadline : 25.10.2020 |
23 |
Scientific Associate - Bioinformatics analysis of human liver scRNAseq data |
University Health Network |
Toronto, Canada |
Ευρωπαϊκές Επιστήμες (2 θέσεις)
1 |
EU Policy Advisor |
AFEP (French Association of Large Companies) |
Brussels |
Deadline : 15.10.2020 |
2 |
Policy Adviser – EU Public Affairs |
CER - Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies |
Brussels, Belgium |
Deadline : 16.10.2020 |