At the core of the Max Planck Foundation’s mission stands the provision of technical legal assistance to developing countries, particularly to countries in transition or conflict (see: Through legal consulting and legal capacity building activities, the Foundation assists States endeavouring to develop their legal systems and strengthen their institutions. The Foundation also provides legal expertise to the responsible institutions and legal professionals with the aim of enabling them to autonomously carry out necessary changes.
The Research Fellow(s) will implement project activities, including facilitating workshops and giving presentations on Comparative Constitutional Law and Public International Law, including Human Rights Law and its implementation at the domestic level.
Key Responsibilities
Under the supervision of a Managing Director/the Head of Project, successful candidate(s) shall:
undertake advanced legal research;
draft training materials, including manuals;
organise and implement legal training workshops for state actors, legal personnel and civil society;
provide technical legal advice and assistance to project partners;
frequently travel to Sudan to implement activities and liaise with local partners;
contribute to administrative and logistical aspects of project implementation; and
carry out project reporting, monitoring and evaluation tasks.