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2 Research Associate(s) for “DeepCamera” Multidisciplinary Research Group (MRG)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Δευτέρα, Φεβρουάριος 15, 2021

CYENS (formerly known as RISE) is a research centre of excellence in Nicosia, Cyprus. CYENS CoE is a significant investment supported by the European Commission, the Republic of Cyprus and its founding Partners, the Municipality of Nicosia, Max Planck Institute, University College London, the University of Cyprus, the Cyprus University of Technology and the Open University of Cyprus. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme H2020-WIDESPREAD-01-2016-2017 (Teaming Phase 2) under grant agreement No. 739578, as well as from the Cypriot Government, local and international partners, and other sponsors.

The Centre conducts excellent, internationally competitive scientific research in the areas of visual sciences, human factors and design, communication, and artificial intelligence delivered by high-calibre multidisciplinary research teams. CYENS engages in knowledge transfer and innovation activities aiming to bridge the gap between scientific research and STEM-led innovation and entrepreneurship.

The research focus of CYENS is on interactive media, smart systems, and emerging technologies. Interactive media have become an integral part of our lives, changing the way that information is conveyed to the user and the ways users interact with devices, with other people, and with the world around them. Smart systems have offered a novel way of producing automated solutions to hard problems for which the mere use of the human intellect is insufficient. Research in CYENS integrates the Visual Sciences, Human Factors & Design, and Communications & Artificial Intelligence, in a tight synergy that provides a unique interdisciplinary research perspective that emphasizes an “Inspired by Humans, Designed for Humans” philosophy. CYENS is designed to act as an integrator of academic research and industrial innovation, towards the sustainable fuelling of the scientific, technological, and economic growth of Cyprus and Europe.

The DeepCamera MRG is working on innovative, efficient, and resilient deep-learning based imaging/video and computer vision pipeline/applications tackling the existing drawbacks in all the pipeline stages, e.g., acquisition, encoding/decoding, manipulation/visualization and evaluation. This include but not limited topics such as image/video enhancement, environmental and adversarial noise removal, super resolution, spatial/temporal upsampling; all aspects of image/video encoding/decoding standards, visual perception (including color), color correction and management, image/video translation, high dynamic range imaging/video; computer vision applications, i.e., monitoring, tracking, identification, classification, segmentation, deepfake; image/video quality evaluation, i.e., objective and subjective, supporting tools for deeplearning developers etc. the outcome of the research will tackle applications such as smart cities, mobile phone, smart devices, head mounted and traditional display technologies, high quality video streaming, technology evaluation, automotive, security, entertainment, agriculture and industry 4.0, first responder etc.

The successful candidate will have the opportunity to conduct applied research in the aforementioned areas. The position holder will also participate in the preparation of research proposals for funding, project reports and deliverables, and travel abroad for dissemination activities. Furthermore, position holders should publish/present their research results in prestigious international conferences and journals and contribute to the research centre’s key performance indicators. We are looking for a candidate with expertise in one or more of the aforementioned areas. He/She will undertake the investigation for the improvement of all the aspects of the modern imaging/video pipeline as well as its applications, investigation of innovative computer vision applications to solve real-world problems.

The successful candidate will work under the supervision of the Team Leader of the DeepCamera MRG Dr. Alessandro Artusi.

General qualifications & essential requirements

Postgraduate degree in a relevant field (e.g. Computer Science, Information Technology, Computer Engineering, Colour Science, Image Processing, Computer Vision, Computer Graphics) from an accredited institution.
Strong computer programming skills (e.g. C/C++, Python, Matlab)
Knowledge of Deep-learning and usage of the existing Deep-learning environments (e.g. Keras, Tensorflow, Pytorch etc.)
Excellent knowledge of both spoken and written English language
Proven high impact research publications on relevant topics
Previous relevant industrial / innovation / entrepreneurship experience and interest will be considered an advantage.
For non-EU applicants a work permit will be required

Additional qualifications relevant to DeepCamera MRG will be considered an advantage
Previous grant-writing experience
Previous relevant industrial experience in deploying sw products
Ability to independently identify problems and carry out research work within the scope of the MRG.
Ability to interact with stakeholders in application domains and identify opportunities for collaboration.

Take advantage of this opportunity for your professional and personal development by being a part of our fast- growing Research Technology Development and Innovation Centre of Excellence. A very attractive remuneration package will be offered to the successful candidate according to qualifications and experience.

Application process
For full consideration interested applicants should submit the following items via email to and and use the email subject line: “Application: Research Associate: DeepCamera”:
A cover letter which clearly specifies i) contact details, ii) employment availability date, iii) rationale on why you think you would be a good fit for the position within the DeepCamera MRG
Description of academic and research experience as well as any relevant industrial experience where applicable (500 words maximum)
A detailed curriculum vitae in English.
Copies of transcripts of BSc/MSc/PhD degree(s).
Contact details of two referees, either two University professors or one University professor and one industry referee.
In case you previously applied for a post at CYENS CoE, a new application is required.

For general enquiries, applicants may contact the HR Department of the Research Centre on Interactive Media, Smart Systems and Emerging Technologies at .

CYENS Centre of Excellence is an equal opportunity employer and the position is open to everyone, internationally.

All applications are treated in the strictest confidence.

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