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Traineeship in the Supply Side, Labour and Surveillance Division of European Central Bank

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Πέμπτη, Δεκέμβριος 14, 2023

You will be part of the Supply Side, Labour and Surveillance Division in the Directorate General Economics. Our Division has 36 staff providing analytical work which focuses on labour market developments, longer-term productivity trends and other factors driving economic growth and potential output in the euro area, including the role of innovation, digitalisation and policy responses to climate change. The team also conducts country surveillance and cross-country studies, contributes to the ESCB’s quarterly projections and looks into economic issues relating to EU governance and policies. Besides internal analysis and assessment, our output encompasses articles and studies in ECB publications such as its economic bulletin, annual report, working paper series and occasional paper series. We study productivity developments in the euro area, both at the firm and macroeconomic level, examining the role of labour demand and supply in recent labour market developments, conducting a regular assessment of euro area potential output and its drivers, studying the macroeconomic consequences of climate change and performing country surveillance, notably in the context of the European Semester and the annual Surveillance Report.

In your role as trainee, you will be part of a data processing team of four members of staff responsible for processing data requests. This can include producing charts and graphs on the labour market and supply side developments, supporting country monitoring and forecasting, building and maintaining datasets, drafting data commentaries and contributing to analytical projects in collaboration with the Division’s economists.

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