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New Age Collection Contest for Painters

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Πέμπτη, Μάρτιος 26, 2015

The New Age painting contest aims to open new horizons for art lovers and to promote and support young artists. At the end of this first of a series of (traditionally) annual contests, achievement awards will be granted and artworks of significance will be displayed in an exhibition, further supporting the works of the young artists.

- This contest is open to the senior students of 2014 academic year from Faculties of Education Department of Painting and Faculties of Fine Arts
- Each student to apply for the contest has to submit a document concerning his or her status as a senior class student
- Only artworks to be accepted will be oil on canvas and acrylic
- The long edge of the painting will be no more than 50 cm
- The artworks are not to be framed

- The winner will receive US $5,000 and will be given the New age figurine of bronze and Bilkent Sanat Sokağı will have a gallery to his or her name for one year, and one year worth painting materials
- Second place will receive 3000 ,own exhibition in Bilkent Sanat Sokağı for 21 days and one year worth painting materials
- Third place wins 2000 own exhibition in Bilkent Sanat Sokağı for 21 days and one year worth painting materials
- A catalogue of the best 200 artworks will be sent to 200 artists

Further details:


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