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6-8/2/2015- BLIMUN United Nations Simulation Conference (Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria)

Deadline: 20 January 2015
Open to: young people between 16 and 28 years old from EU member states / EFTA countries, EU candidate states, Andorra, Australia, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Canada, Israel, Kazakhstan, Monaco, Russian Federation, San Marino, Ukraine, United States of America, The Vatican
Venue: 6-8th February, 2015, Blagoevgrad, Bulgaria


BLIMUN 2015 is an interactive simulation of the United Nations bodies that will be held between the 6th and 8th of February 2015, in Blagoevgrad, on the premises of the American University in Bulgaria. The conference gathers nearly 100 international students from different academic fields, who take the roles of Heads of UN Member States and debate on current topics of the political scene. This year’s topics are:
1.Security Council – The Significance of the Expansion of the Islamic State;
2.Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) – Labor Rights of Women in the Middle East;
3.Human Rights Council (HRC) – Refugees: The Issue of Security and Integration;
4.Historical Committee – Spring during the Cold War: the 1968 Situation in Czechoslovakia


BLIMUN 2015 is open to active students (or fresh graduates) from 18 to 30 years old, holding nationality of one of these countries:
•EU member states and EFTA countries (Iceland, Norway, Liechtenstein and Switzerland);
•EU Candidate countries (Albania, FYROM, Iceland, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey);
•Andorra, Australia, Belarus, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Canada, Israel, Kazakhstan, Monaco, Russian Federation, San Marino, Ukraine, United States of America, The Vatican;
•To all currently enrolled AUBG students and AUBG graduates.


The participation fee for international students is 60 EUR* and it covers a two-night stay in a hotel, two lunches, one dinner, one reception, as well as all conference materials and coffee breaks. If you are interested in applying as a delegate you need to contact, and you will be provided with information about the delegation discounts available.


Deadline for applications is extended until 20 January, 2015.

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