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Deputy Director of Programs at International Rescue Committee (Athens)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Δευτέρα, Μάιος 9, 2016

The International Rescue Committee, one of the world's largest humanitarian agencies, provides relief, rehabilitation and post-conflict reconstruction support to victims of natural disaster, oppression and violent conflict in 42 countries. The IRC is committed to bold leadership, innovation and creative partnerships. Active in public health, education, livelihoods, women's empowerment, youth development, and protection and promotion of rights, IRC assists people from harm to home.

In response to the influx of refugees in Greece, the IRC Hellas has been working in Lesvos since June 2015 and currently is delivering humanitarian programs in the fields of WASH, protection and safe transportation in different parts of Greece.

The organization in Greece seeks for:
- Deputy Director of Programs (Athens)
- Master's degree in Development Studies, International Relations, Social Sciences or a similar field;
- Minimum eight years of international supervisory experience working in a humanitarian or development setting, with experiencing in managing WASH and protection programming;
- Minimum five years of program management experience in complex and difficult context.
- Proven ability to develop winning proposals to public and private-sector donors;
- Familiarity and experience with US and European, donors;
- Previous experience managing programs financed by US government agencies, DFID, EU, UN, foundations and private donors a must, with previous experience in competitive environments a plus.
- Proven ability to manage projects to completion on time, within budget, and with the anticipated results.
- Ability to respond to multiple priorities in a timely manner, producing high-quality outcomes.
- Demonstrated successful leadership experience with a multi-disciplinary team in a cross-culturalsetting, including active mentoring and coaching. Strong leadership, motivational and team-building skills;
- Proven fluency in English; knowledge of Greek will be a plus.

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