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Master Scholarships, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK (2016-2017)

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Πέμπτη, Μάρτιος 31, 2016

The London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine is offering a small number of highly competitive scholarships for London-based MSc students who show potential for academic excellence and for careers aligned with the Mission of the School

The School receives philanthropic donations and raises additional funds to provide these scholarships. Some of the funding available is unrestricted (that is, the school can award it to any suitable candidate). However, some is restricted (that is, the funder has set certain criteria to be met by applicants). All applications received will be considered for the 2016-17 London-based MSc Scholarships, and awards will be made from the most appropriate source of funding.

These scholarships are open to all eligible applicants.

However this year, there is also "restricted" funding available to applicants from low to middle income countries (please scroll down the link for the relevant sections); United States of America; and applicants assessed to have UK/EU fee status.

Award Details

Applicants may apply for whichever of the following four options best meets their requirements by selecting the option(s) most relevant to them on the application form.

- a full scholarship - This award covers the full cost of tuition (London-based MSc course tuition fees and any mandatory field trip fees) and a tax-free annual stipend of GBP 17,250.00*, paid out monthly.
- a half scholarship - This award provides exactly 50% of the full scholarship
- a fees-only scholarship - This award covers the full cost of tuition (London-based MSc course tuition fees and any mandatory field trip fees)
- a bursary scholarship - This award provides a tax-free annual stipend of GBP 17,250.00*, paid out monthly. This award will only be paid out to successful applicants once the School can verify that the students have paid their tuition fees and any mandatory field trip fees in full

Further details:

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Γεωγραφική Περιοχή: 


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