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Traineeships at the European Ombudsman

Καταληκτική Ημερομηνία: 
Τετάρτη, Αύγουστος 31, 2016

The European Ombudsman offers a limited number of traineeships which are intended to enable the trainees to add to the knowledge and skills they have acquired during their studies by giving them practical experience.

The traineeships are normally for a duration of four months and can be extended up to a maximum of 12 months.

Trainees are required to work under the direct supervision of a Legal Officer. They normally must undertake either investigation of complaints or the carrying out of research relevant to the work of the Ombudsman or both.

The level of financial support for trainees in receipt of external support will be determined on an individual basis.
Scholarships are available to trainees who do not have other means of financial support for a period of three months. The value of scholarships is 25% of the basic salary of staff on grade AD6 step 1 (i.e. around 1200 € in Brussels or 1400 € in Strasbourg), including a household allowance, where appropriate.

Trainees are selected on an individual basis. The applicant should normally:

be a national from an EU Member State
have a university degree in law, and be at an advanced stage of professional training or research in Community law.
able to work in at least two of the official languages of the European Communities. Knowledge of French and English, which are the working languages of the European Ombudsman's Office, is required.

Deadline Application: 31-08-2016

Further details:
Traineeships at the European Ombudsman

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